Want a Vibrant Business? Gain Clarity (Get Clear & Be Clear)

Get clear and be clear. As a leader if you do anything very well, be a master of communication so that everyone is clear and aligned toward strategic objectives.

Want people to be both aligned and engaged? Be clear in a way that connects what they desire for themselves to what the business needs from them in their role.

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Reflecting on Holidays. How can holidays foster collaboration?

To foster collaboration in any workplace, it is critical to recognize that not every person celebrates the same holidays and even if two people do celebrate the same holiday it is done often in different ways.

What might you do to show that you truly care to understand another person’s point of view, and to have the authentic curiosity to learn more about how their point of view came about?

On holidays of any nation, and every day, let’s be grateful that we can choose what to believe and how to BE.

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3 unintended consequences from not speaking out when your gut says it’s wrong

The Pivot
Create a culture where every person feels safe to speak out

It’s subtle. Yet it is powerful. That is: The internal pull to do what fits in – what doesn’t stir things up – because speaking out would be too uncomfortable. What is uncomfortable feels risky.

Yet by not speaking up you are also taking a risk, and perhaps a bigger risk than if you spoke up.

Every time we choose we are telling our brains that this is what we want.

Continue reading “3 unintended consequences from not speaking out when your gut says it’s wrong”

Take Your Best Next Steps

Best Next Steps
Best Next Steps for Extraordinary Momentum

This first post in the Extraordinary Momentum Series offers 5 key ideas to help you get clear about best next steps, and how you can help others get clear about their best next steps.

When you are nimble, you are aware and open. You rarely get blocked or stuck. If you do โ€“ if someone, something, or even your own mindset or limiting beliefs โ€“ get in your way, you have what it takes to move around, over, under, through.

Safe to speak up. Power to be heard.

Are you including effective communication as an area for growth in performance?

An important aspect of coaching for better performance is aimed at communication. This includes improving the dynamics and effectiveness in meetings as well as helping individuals be more clear and concise in their delivery of ideas and feedback.

A recent article by weforum.org speaks to the unheard voices of women in the workplace.
Continue reading “Safe to speak up. Power to be heard.”

Kill Performance Measurement & Ratings?

Today’s news shouts that traditional performance management is “bad.” “We’ve killed performance ratings!” and “We’ve killed the annual performance review!” are phrases being touted as if, by removing a process, the company has instantaneously changed its culture. In many cases this feels more like marketing than real change. It takes courage to change the behaviors driving the culture that may not be working for you right now.

You came to this post to hear about performance rating, and whether to kill this process or not. Continue reading to explore 5 dos and don’ts related to rating performance in a healthy, growing workplace. Continue reading “Kill Performance Measurement & Ratings?”

Excellence in the Workplace – Found, Made or Elusive?

“Why is it so hard to find an excellent employee?”

That was the subject of a discussion in a leadership group on Linkedin. Responses (over one thousand to date!) can be grouped into four main themes:
1. that it is indeed nearly impossible to find an excellent person to hire;
2. that there are many excellent people, but they are in the wrong jobs;
3. that the right person may be out of work and not getting noticed; or
4. that employers are so far below excellence that no individual could be excellent in their employ.

Where’s the issue? Is it in the selection? hiring? alignment of person to role? management? something else? all of the above?

Consider-Is it that they aren’t excellent or is it that they become less so once they are in your workplace?

Continue reading “Excellence in the Workplace – Found, Made or Elusive?”