Leadership -Connecting with (your) people to improve your results. Step 1: Strategic Themes

Overwhelmed with your days right now? Underwhelmed with your business or job?

Let me re-introduce you to …connection… starting with the people around you…

I’m a bottom-line gal… and I am here to tell you to get social within your organization. I am positive that doing so will improve performance across the organization. No worries if you haven’t really excelled at this to date. We can tell and if you look around you, you are not the only one. (and it’s not your fault entirely… technology, and actually performance management systems specifically, has played a role in this trouble and I’ll get to that later in this series). But you CAN realize improvement quickly, by making a few small shifts in how you connect with people.

So how you do this without changing who you are? Continue reading “Leadership -Connecting with (your) people to improve your results. Step 1: Strategic Themes”

Connecting people to business performance!

From what is (now) to what can be (in the future)

What’s in it for me? (aka WIIFM). You may be asking yourself this right now. Do you think there has been a disconnect in communication, and strategy, in corporate America? I know there has!

When people are not communicating transparently and with empathy, the disconnect between what people do and what leaders expect (aka Strategy) grows larger.

Reconnecting people – at all levels – into performance management systems and to the performance of the company is critical. And it is do-able! 

The first step might be to shift from performance management to performance momentum! An Aligned Momentum program, powered by the A.M. software, just might be the transformative solution you are looking for. Feel free to reach out to me directly at lori[at]thepivotcatalyst[dot]com.

Better decisions with less effort. Introducing the “Connection Series” Part 1

It’s time for a transformation, and I’m leading the charge. No, I’m not going to teach you to be an analyst. What I will explain is how you – an HR or executive leader – can takes steps to connect people to, and into, business performance management systems.

Those who do not understand how I do what I do may initially think that I run solely by the numbers. Yes and (emphatically) no. Sure, I’m a pretty serious, challenge-loving, bottom-line-focused gal. I look at indicators and outcomes. If I can’t connect an action (in business) to an increase in long term value, then it is likely I’m not going to spend long with it, for me or for my clients. But what isn’t so easy to see is that “action” necessarily requires a focus on, and connection with, people! People are the most critical component of my businesses, and likely of yours as well.

Continue reading “Better decisions with less effort. Introducing the “Connection Series” Part 1”