Orchestrating a Pivot from performance management to performance momentum (Part 4 of 4)

Performance Reviews, Accountability, Pivot
Pivot to performance inspiration and accountability. Determine how reviews fit.

In this series I am focusing on the performance review, which for many organizations has failed to meet its goal of improving performance of the team(s) overall.

To catch up here are links to
Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3

Consider a Pivot from the single annual performance review, which for most organizations is ineffective or harmful for a variety of reasons (see Part 2) to a more continuous flow of performance conversations, with managers who are able and willing to help people rise and build great teams, and including future-look conversations held separately from any review (see Part 3).

A well-orchestrated Pivot requires first defining the desired state (vision), discovering what is right now, and then communicating the vision and strategic direction so that each person or group can choose their best next steps (because a successful Pivot involves orchestrating many shifts by many people all aligned toward a common vision/desired state).

Sometimes you’ll have to take a step back – and it may be a big step. Continue reading “Orchestrating a Pivot from performance management to performance momentum (Part 4 of 4)”

Performance Reviews are not inherently ineffective. But most need to change. (Part 1 of 4)

Better Performance Review
An effective performance review is possible

Employee reviews weren’t meant to be ineffective or harmful to the morale of people you want on your team. However, too often, the performance management processes and policies organizations ask managers to follow, and promoting the wrong individuals to manage teams, are causing performance reviews to fail.

An employee performance review exists for performance improvement. Performance, in this definition includes both achieving in one’s role what the organization most needs from them and doing so in keeping with the organization’s core values. Continue reading “Performance Reviews are not inherently ineffective. But most need to change. (Part 1 of 4)”

Transform data into information, and information into knowledge…for and through people!

A goal of the Collaborative-Action blog is to bring practical, do-able steps that will lead to performance management that works. Following is the first in a series of interviews to meet that goal.

Last week I had the pleasure of interviewing Professor Andy Neely, of University of Cambridge, Cranfield School of Management. You will find us both quite excited about the opportunity to add value, as we focus on translating data into information and information into knowledge. Or as Professor Neely shows in the diagram below, “From Hindsight to Insight.”

Click to play

This brief interview was entirely unscripted; it is a conversation chock full of immediate take-aways for CEOs, and all executive, division and department heads including Human Resources and Organizational Development. I look forward to your comments about this interview and any questions you may have that can be answered in future posts, interviews. You can also email me.

Benchmarks for Productivity Target-Setting

I am working on Productivity Benchmarking for every function and every role in our organization. I have framed Metrics for each and every role so that I can get quantifiable data. I have started framing Factors of Metrics to ensure that the data collected has minimum errors attached to it. My next plan would be that I will start using these Metrics and start benchmarking according to industry standards. My Question: I have been able to get some data for Sales but I am finding it difficult to get data on technical people. So I have couple of questions here. 1. I would like to know the approach I have taken is right or wrong? 2. Whether we have any published data on benchmarking on IT industry or Technical Benchmarking for Individual roles? 3. What would be other ways to set Benchmarks on every functional role?

Lori’s Answer
(Answer shortened)

I love what you are doing. I agree it is a challenge in setting up, and you will face challenges in implementation, which we’ve discussed separately. To keep you moving now…

Plan for many phases with ample testing – mostly through conversation and analysis – as you grow this productivity measurement system.

Continue reading “Benchmarks for Productivity Target-Setting”