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Agile, Lean, and The Pivot

Nimble, Agile, Lean, The Pivot, Aligned Momemtum
Nimble: Agile Lean Pivot

As a leader, you are positioned to orchestrate change. You may have teams already working together in a nimble way, and a way in which change comes naturally. Bridge these styles (and often unique languages) together, and you will find that leading – and orchestrating change – throughout the organization comes more naturally.

  • Familiar with Lean? You will recognize the phrase “working together.”
  • Or with Agile? You will recognize “collaboration.”
  • Top leadership? You will recognize those phrases and “strategic alignment.”

    (When there is alignment and engagement and empowerment, you’ve reached a state of Aligned Momentum)

  • It is only in the state of Aligned Momentum that performance breakthroughs are possible.

    It’s up to you, the leader, to ensure that all players come together to make one enchanting sound. Make communication and clarity a top priority.

    Connecting people to business performance!

    From what is (now) to what can be (in the future)

    What’s in it for me? (aka WIIFM). You may be asking yourself this right now. Do you think there has been a disconnect in communication, and strategy, in corporate America? I know there has!

    When people are not communicating transparently and with empathy, the disconnect between what people do and what leaders expect (aka Strategy) grows larger.

    Reconnecting people – at all levels – into performance management systems and to the performance of the company is critical. And it is do-able! 

    The first step might be to shift from performance management to performance momentum! An Aligned Momentum program, powered by the A.M. software, just might be the transformative solution you are looking for. Feel free to reach out to me directly at lori[at]thepivotcatalyst[dot]com.

    HR & Technology; small improvements lead to big gains for people

    You need this to be painless; a small shift to realize a big gain. Or likely many small shifts… a bit to the left… a bit to the right… now back on center… to get to where you want you and this organization to go. Like a ship on autopilot. Wow, that does sound nice. Can you have it? Yes, actually you can.

    But there is no way that people alone can manage it all. You know you need technology. And there, you’ve just dumped yourself into overwhelm all over again. You have learned from experience that implementing information systems is costly and painful. Oh, and then you have to involve IT and they are so busy!

    And what your or other divisions have spent on technology so far may not have added the value expected.

    I can tell you that one seeming failure is not the fault of the technology purchased or the buyers or sellers… it is that transactional systems were not built to add context (from/about people) or offer easy ad hoc reporting or even management reporting. So then lots of dollars were spent on “integrating systems” and getting to that data that seemed locked away. You really had to go to this effort to get to the data you wanted to see.

    Continue reading “HR & Technology; small improvements lead to big gains for people”