In a vibrant business, performance is inspired and reviewed. (Part 3 of 4)

Performance Reviews, Future Goals, Passion, Engagement, Alignment
Bring out passion with future-look conversations

If what you want is a vibrant business, consider – what will it take to orchestrate change – to Pivot – from performance management to performance momentum?

Performance momentum only happens when people are clear about the strategic direction, objectives, values, and how they fit. Alignment and engagement drive momentum. Vibrancy is evident, in (and for) the business and the people who work there. Continue reading “In a vibrant business, performance is inspired and reviewed. (Part 3 of 4)”

Empower others to initiate change. Leaders orchestrate.

Employee Engagement-41pct Disengaged

Those of you who know me or are getting to know me… understand that I am all about business vibrancy. In my terms, that translates to a nimble organization, continuously building its business value, and a great place to work. An organization with these traits has what I call “Aligned Momentum,” which I show in the visual above this post and write about in my book (you can find an excerpt here).

For over 20 years the average results from employee engagement surveys have shown a rate of disengagement at over 30%. Aon’s recent 2017 Trends in Global Employee Engagement reports that 41% of employees are disengaged and feel undervalued.

What this reflects, at least in part, is a lack of empowering employees to initiate change – a critical step in a Pivot toward Aligned Momentum.

Continue reading “Empower others to initiate change. Leaders orchestrate.”

A scorecard for your Wellness initiative

Until recently, employee benefits costs – healthcare, in particular – have been considered a necessary cost of doing business, external to a company’s core products or services. An emerging school of thought, however, suggests that employee wellness affects much more than a company’s bottom line as a human resource expense. Wellness also affects absenteeism, productivity and efficiency. In other words, healthy employees are more likely to successfully contribute to a company’s core business than sick or injured employees who are unable to perform at optimal levels.

In this way, wellness does, indeed, contribute to every company’s bottom line and, as a result, needs to be stated as a measurable goal of every company. But how can wellness be quantified? Continue reading “A scorecard for your Wellness initiative”

First, ask and engage people. “Connection Series”    Part 2

Here’s the first step to connecting people to and into your performance management system: Asking and engaging.

It seems so simple, yet without a system to help us (leaders) do so, our best laid plans and intentions get pushed aside. And when we make poor decisions, not connecting all the dots is usually why.

To take this step I have good news for you: you do not have to add to the “to dos” for your financial or technical teams to start on this improvement process. And you do not have to be an analyst. You do need to be willing to think through data to get a feel for the cause and effect between what is communicated and what gets done. Think of it as removing the “so?” to get to “oh! Got it.”

Continue reading “First, ask and engage people. “Connection Series”    Part 2″