Leadership -Connecting with (your) people to improve results. Step 7: Does cause-and-effect matter?

In this series we are talking about connecting โ€“ connecting to people, connecting people to the business results you want, and getting those results.

Iโ€™ve noted that as you work through this series you are bound to run into questions (Iโ€™ve opened up Ask Lori. for questions to me currently at no cost to you) and bottlenecksโ€ฆ

In this post I address a common question that often becomes a bottleneck, as it seems complex: determining up front the cause and effect relationship between objectives in your Strategy:

Question: Does cause-and-effect matter? When is it critical (figuring it out is slowing us down)? Continue reading “Leadership -Connecting with (your) people to improve results. Step 7: Does cause-and-effect matter?”