Pivot – how? What Orchestrating Change Requires from a Leader

Pivoting an organization is not a quick shift – it is an orchestration of many shifts made by many people over time. Focused & Nimble. Alignment & Momentum.

This blog is about leadership and, as entitled, collaborative action. That means — more than one person is involved. Pivoting your business, also requires leadership, collaboration, and action or execution.

You may envision pivoting as being a super quick shift, like footwork in basketball, and as used as an analogy for individuals or early-stage start ups that move quickly from one strategy, idea, action, market, mindset, etc. to another. Leaders know that turning-on-a-dime is often not possible and rarely sustainable across the organization.

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Want to reach your desired destination? Be focused & nimble

To keep momentum and reach your desired destination… be focused & nimble.

Focus is important. “You get what you focus on,” which in a business is typically what you measure. Keeping track of progress and outcomes helps with focus.

But you also must stay nimble – open, aware, and adaptable – to move around obstacles or to adjust a course. Sometimes what is being measured is not leading toward longer term strategic objectives. And sometimes strategy needs to change.