Momentum, Mindset, and the PPP

Pivot: From ___ To ___

Your state of mind may be blocking your momentum toward a better future.

Many business leaders were not prepared for an external threat that results in a forced shutdown or significant and sudden loss of customers. As a leader, what you do next can greatly influence your own well-being and that of so many more – in your workplace, suppliers and vendors, community, other stakeholders and beyond such as those who serve who you serve. It’s the ripple effect of your words and actions.

What you say and do is driven by what you believe, and by your mindset. While beliefs take some time to change, you can shift your mindset at any moment.

You are in complete control… of your mindset.

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3 unintended consequences from not speaking out when your gut says it’s wrong

The Pivot
Create a culture where every person feels safe to speak out

It’s subtle. Yet it is powerful. That is: The internal pull to do what fits in – what doesn’t stir things up – because speaking out would be too uncomfortable. What is uncomfortable feels risky.

Yet by not speaking up you are also taking a risk, and perhaps a bigger risk than if you spoke up.

Every time we choose we are telling our brains that this is what we want.

Continue reading “3 unintended consequences from not speaking out when your gut says it’s wrong”