HR & Technology; small improvements lead to big gains for people

You need this to be painless; a small shift to realize a big gain. Or likely many small shifts… a bit to the left… a bit to the right… now back on center… to get to where you want you and this organization to go. Like a ship on autopilot. Wow, that does sound nice. Can you have it? Yes, actually you can.

But there is no way that people alone can manage it all. You know you need technology. And there, you’ve just dumped yourself into overwhelm all over again. You have learned from experience that implementing information systems is costly and painful. Oh, and then you have to involve IT and they are so busy!

And what your or other divisions have spent on technology so far may not have added the value expected.

I can tell you that one seeming failure is not the fault of the technology purchased or the buyers or sellers… it is that transactional systems were not built to add context (from/about people) or offer easy ad hoc reporting or even management reporting. So then lots of dollars were spent on “integrating systems” and getting to that data that seemed locked away. You really had to go to this effort to get to the data you wanted to see.

Continue reading “HR & Technology; small improvements lead to big gains for people”

Wow! Innovation

Hi everyone!

You have ALL done great things (those with us for more than one week) and I’m in arrears of shouting about it.

I’m starting now with a Team “Wow!” of the Week 

Here’s our “wow” for this week: He succeeded in re-developing our light-weight gauge in EXECUTE! so that the pointers move to point to the actual value (not just to the color-code), at all reporting levels and for any date.

Why is this “wow!”? We did not think it could be done.
Why was it important? Our higher-quality “cooler” gauge could result in slow viewing for customers connected via low bandwidths, such as new prospects in Asia who will be trying and buying soon!

Continue reading “Wow! Innovation”

Welcome to Collaborative Action,

Welcome to Collaborative Action, a blog focused on performance of people at work. I’ll be sharing what I know, discover and can relate to you through others…about the “people” component of performance and risk management.

I encourage you to ASK questions, privately or publicly, and SHARE your knowledge with others. Sharing is encouraged through comments but also please contact me, should you be interested in a phone interview a blog post or other means to add value to this topic and this blog.

The Collaborative-Action blog is where you can participate in a discussion, take action and get results…related to people at work and their impact on the performance of the organization. While aimed at HR and management, I encourage others also to participate. This is, after all, the enterprise “you.” Truly all levels are at work, at will.

Continue reading “Welcome to Collaborative Action,”